Near Zion National Park, Utah

Lord Elgin and the Parthenon Marbles
Why are marble sculptures from the Parthenon in the British Museum in London? Will the British ever return them?

Transporting Carrara Marble Blocks
An Italian-language video showing the tortuous roads traveled by the truck drivers at marble quarries in Carrara, Italy.

Historic English Limestones
England contains some of the most historically interesting limestones.

Stone Preservation
Not all stones are created equally. A stone’s resistance to weathering and staining depends on many factors.

A Tribute to Hoddies
A video of a Bangladeshi brick hoddie carrying an enormous load on his head. Your unlikely to see it done like this in the U.S.

Sandstones were generated in enormous quantities throughout geologic history. Why? And which sandstones are appropriate for stone masonry?

Granites occur on every continent and have been quarried and used in buildings for millenia, but what are they really?

The Stone Artistry of Lew French
A video profile of Lew French, an extraordinarily creative stonemason who works on Martha’s Vineyard.

Splitting Stone with Wedges and Shims
A video demonstration of splitting stone with wedges and shims by stone tool maker Trow and Holden.

How To Build Drystone Walls & Rock Fences
A video by the National Center for Preservation of Technology and Training (NCPTT) concerning historical dry stone walls in the United States.

Ten Basic Principles of Stone Masonry
Basic principles of stone masonry that lead to better looking walls, adapted from an article by Bobby Watt.

History of the World from a Stone’s Point of View
An amusing video showing that stones exist on a whole different time scale than humans.