Limestones Up Close

A close-up view of some of our favorite limestones

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Limestones are interesting when viewed through a simple 10-power hand lens because they commonly contain fossil fragments.  The photos shown below were shot with good lighting and a macro camera lens; however, a similar view, if not quite as clear, is possible with a hand lens. Click any image for a full-screen view.

 Garden City BuffTM and CortonaTM Limestones

Garden City Buff - Cortona smallBoth Garden City Buff Limestone and Cortona Limestone are quarried from the same geologic formation. Consequently, they have a similar range of colors and mix of marine fossils.  The colors and textures of   these limestones make them work with many architectural styles

 Glen Rose LimestoneTM

Glen Rose 2 smallGlen Rose is an attractive limestone that ranges in color from gray to buff with some red staining. Up close, you can see fossil fragments, vessicles, calcite cement, and flecks of hematite (red) stain.







 Pilgrim LimestoneTM

PILGRIM large 1 smallPilgrim Limestone has a beautiful light buff and gold color range that reminds us of the Mediterranean limestones. Up close, it is composed of small limestone pellets and sparse fossils cemented together with calcite.

 Garden City GrayTM Light and Dark Color Range


 Garden City Gray Limestone comes in a lighter color range, shown above, and a darker color range, shown below. Up close the two limestones look pretty similar. The darker color comes from a greater amount of organic matter in the limestone.


 Cottonwood Limestone

COTTONWOOD mag smallCottonwood Limestone has the lightest color of the stones shown here.  Light-colored limestones generally were deposited in higher energy environments (like shallow reefs) where any organic matter, which would stain the stone darker, has been broken down and removed.  Up close you can see a veritable hash of fossil fragments.